Can't do the race?
Sell your entry to someone who can!

Available Bibs

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Why use Bib Flip?

You signed up for the race and you were psyched. Then, something happened…

…and now you can’t do the race. Bummer.

But wait...

What if you could find someone to take your spot...maybe even someone who’d PAY to take it?

That’s where Bib Flip comes in. Bib Flip is an online marketplace where people looking for an entry to a race (a bib) and people looking to sell their bibs, can find each other!

The Process


The Posting

It happens all the time. You sign up for a race and then life happens—you get hurt training, a wedding comes up or maybe you just flat out decide to bag. Post your entry (your "bib") for sale and cast a MUCH wider net than just your friends, family and coworkers.


The Buying

Are you an unregistered runner, looking for an entry to a race? Explore the marketplace and as soon as you find a bib that suits your needs—BOOM...claim it, and pay for it securely.


The Transferring

Bib Flip facilitates runners finding one another and the sale of the bib, but the last step is for the seller to actually transfer the bib to the buyer via the race’s registration platform. Don’t worry, we make this as fast and frictionless as possible.

Bib Flip
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